About Us
From its early inception in 1867, under the leadership of the late Reverend George Christmas, the Greater Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church salutes and congratulates our pioneers for their Christian sacrifice and fortitude in the name of Jesus Christ. They placed God in front and were guided by the Holy Spirit. In spite of a small membership and little financial aid, our founders were able to hold on, and build a great Church in God’s name, thus setting the stage for what our Church has become today.
Some of the earlier pastors who served the then, Shiloh Baptist Church were Reverend Charlie Armonds, Reverend Mose Adams, and Reverend Monroe Dixon. The first Church stood where our cemetery is now located. In response to a growing membership and under the leadership of the late Reverend W. M. Smith, a new church was constructed. This building stood on what is not the parking lot directly facing our current structure. The cornerstone was laid in September 1926. The building committee was comprised of the following brethren; W. J. Durant; E. M. Mathers; B. Brown; J. W. Whatley; and J. W. Mooner. Included among the ministers who served this great church are Reverend G. W. Martin, Pastor with Reverend L. J. Alford as Assistant Pastor, Reverend H. E. Fields, Pastor, and Reverend James A. Floyd as Assistant Pastor, Reverend J. C. Sellers, Pastor. After Reverend Sellers, Reverend C. S. Pope, severed forty-two years as our senior Pastor. Our church kept continuously growing under the leadership of these great Pastors.
Under the administration of our pastor emeritus, Reverend C. S. Pope, who retired in December 2007, a number of accomplishments were made. These include the organizing of the following: six church clubs, the children and young adult choirs, missionary circle numbers one and two, and twelve calendar groups. In 2003 the sanctuary was completely retrofitted with new pews, carpet, pulpit furniture, and choir stands. Also under Reverend Pope’s administration, the parsonage note was paid off, the current church building was built and paid for along with the purchase of two pianos, and the Leslie speaker for the organ, and a church Bus and Van was purchased and paid for. Additional cemetery plots were made available. Other properties were also purchased and paid for under Revered Pope, such as, the Head-start building, now used as the Youth building, and certain rental property that formerly belonged to Mrs. Bottom, and Mr. And Mrs. Sellers. Upon Pastor Pope’s retirement, the church was completely debt free. After Pastor Pope’s retirement, Rev. James Q. Corbitt served as Interim Pastor.
Effective July 5, 2009, Reverend Delvick J. McKay was installed as Pastor of this great church. Pastor McKay served alongside Rev. C.S. Pope. As Joshua served with Moses, God has continued to bless our ministry through Pastor McKay’s leadership. History is being made right before us. A new Sanctuary and Christian Education Center has been constructed. Upgrades have been made to the praise and worship ministries, audio and video upgrades have been made, the young adult ministry has been revitalized, performing arts through mime expression and praise dancing has been introduced, and website development and technology enhancements have be implemented. Along with these upgrades come with our new Wednesday Night Mid-Week Worship, Focus on the Family and Leadership Conferences, and Women Retreats have been developed. Pastor McKay’s dynamic teaching and servant leadership has brought fiscal responsibility and leadership empowerment to the ministry. Pastor McKay’s humility and vision from God helps to position the Greater Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church in the center of God’s will by reaching this community and the world for Jesus Christ.
The Greater Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church currently has approximately, 17 Deacons, 24 Deaconess, and well over 450 members. Throughout the years, since 1867, many souls have been led to Christ. Backsliders have been reclaimed, sinners have been saved, and Christians have been revived. Like the “Old Ship of Zion,” the Greater Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church “has landed many a thousand.” With Christ as its captain …..it will, one day, reach a safe harbor.